So, I've finally been persuaded to start a blog. I'm a jewellery designer (I'll say more about that another time), so in addition to blogging about my designs, I've decided to also write about (you guessed it) fashion, frippery and some of the fabulous things to do and see in the city (mostly London). I'll only write about what interests me and promise not to write things just so my blog get lots of hits (is that what they're called? hits? hmmm...)
Under the subheading of fashion will come all things related to erm... fashion, under the subheading of fabuloCity will come some of the wonderful things I happen across, to do or see in London (or whichever city I'm in at the time). The subheading of frippery will be a delectable wildcard - small, random and sometimes totally useless titbits that make the world a sunnier place.
I think I'll enjoy having a blog afterall...